DEBRA & What you can expect...

DEBRA DEBOW has embraced challenge and multiple barriers and
re-invented her life several times.
Challenges in childhood,multiple psychiatric diagnosis and brain damage in adulthood did not stop her from going on to become an award winning teacher,accomplished artist and leader for change.

In mid-life multiple losses of homes and job and death of husband and baby closed many doors for DEBRA but she re-invented her life again and again as publisher,writer,workshop leader,healer and ceremonialist.
Debra's story is one of power,passion and courage with a clear message of the profound and resilient nature of the human spirit.

Adversity and multiple trauma did not stop her from going on to earn 3 degress and become an award winning teacher,artist and independent scholar invited to speak at peace conferences.

From psyche wards and addictions to award winning teacher and artist receiving a title from the House of Commons to the "shaman woman" who went to Turkey for peace, Debra's life illustrates the power of
changing limiting core beliefs,
decisions based on commitement to values,
humour and
cross cultural truths for soul growth

Debra has a Master degree in Education,Bachelors Degree in Education,Bachelors Degree in Arts and several diplomas.
She is an exhibiting artist,jewelry designer,published poet and frequent contributer to magazines and journals.
Her acclaimed periodical Goddesszing is circulating in 9 countries.

Her inspirational workshops.circles and multi media events have been presented in AB ,BC,Turkey,Malta US and England and she has been invited to several countries as ceremonialist for peace and woman conferences.

Debra is invited member of the Sufi order,CA representative for Global network for Peace,pipe carrier and former keeper of the Fung loy Gok shrine.

Her powerful and loving presence puts audiences at ease and opens their minds to infinate possibility.
She entertains,inspires and speaks with passion and humour about the power of chosen response and the breaths and vapours that animate the human spirit.

From laughter to introspective silnece DEBRA takes audiences on a power filled journey of self and soul focusing on life affirming action,universal teachings for wellness,the power of thought and search for meaning in the face of adversity

With riveting story and thought provoking audience participation,Debra invites audiences to summon powerful tools for embracing life on life's terms.